Syracuse University

|Office of Institutional Risk Management

Youth Programs


Reporting obligations:
• New York State law

Under NYS Law, individuals in certain occupations have a legal obligation to report suspected child maltreatment or abuse to child protective services, and we call these people “Mandated Reporters”. Most Mandated Reporters know they are mandated reporters , but if you’re unsure, please check the list. Coincidentally, many employees are also “Mandated Reporters”.

Mandated Reporters are required to contact the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment. Once a report has been made, the employee must notify the ‘person in charge of that institution’, for which SU has designated the Title IX coordinator Sheila Johnson-Willis.

• University Policy and Title IX

As a University community member and employee, we are all designated as “responsible employees” and therefore must disclose information related to, among other things, sexual misconduct, to the Title IX Coordinator. The exceptions to this policy are confidential sources.

Campus Security Authorities (CSA)
Defined as: any person with the authority and duty to take action on behalf of the institution with SIGNIFICANT responsibility for student and campus activities.
All DPS staff
Individuals responsibly for security, or access control
Student Affairs Professionals: Deans, Associate/Assistant Deans, Directors. RA’s, RD’s, Conduct Staff
Athletic Directors, Coaches and Assistant Coaches
Anyone designated by SU as someone to whom crimes should be reported (so, Title IX)
Administrators of separate campuses (LA, DC, etc.), and study abroad coordinators
Who to tell:
• The Responsible program person in charge of your program
• Call 911
Mandated reporters call the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment: 800.635.1522
• Statewide toll free Public hotline, call: 800.342.3720
Syracuse Unviersity’s Title IX coordinator: x 0211